There is a school named PRAYAS under Daranda Vivekananda Shishu Niketan at Daranda Village, in Birbhum District, West Bengal,India. It is a school for Pre Primary and Primary. There are more than 60 students. The motto of the organisation is SERVICE of GOD in MAN as per the Teachings of SWAMI VIVEKANANDA for“Atmano Mokshartham Jagad-hitaya Cha” for one’s own liberation and for the good of the world. Our school starts with the National Anthem and Prayer song . The inspiration comes from Swami Vivekananda . Now its time to do some Activity. Oh! Its fun to learn with Colour Tablets , Pink Tower and Beads. Its Circle Time. We share our thoughts and Imaginations with our friends. We love our school very much. We are blessed to be part of DVSN